About » Diversity*Equity*Inclusion


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at St. Georges
jaydaOur Mission Statement

St. Georges staff is committed to providing students an equitable opportunity to become independent and responsible learners capable of inquiry, reflection, thinking critically, problem-solving, and transferring their knowledge and skills to real-world challenges.

Our philosophy of EQUITY means that each person "gets what they need" to succeed. By integrating the 5 Equity Levels needed to foster a self-actualized student body, we are cultivating students who are engaged and inspired to learn. 

Our St. Georges Tech staff focuses on providing students an equitable opportunity to become independent, responsible learners capable of inquiry, thinking critically, problem-solving, and transferring their knowledge and skills to real-world challenges. As a result, our students will graduate fully prepared for diverse post-secondary opportunities.
Our philosophy of EQUITY means that each person "gets what they need" to succeed. By integrating the 5 Equity Levels needed to foster a self-actualized student body, we are cultivating students who are engaged and inspired to learn. Below are our 5 strategic objectives and activities that St. Georges Tech focuses on to achieve EQUITY.



What is Educational Equity?

NCCVT’s Equity Plan operates under five domains, or levels, each one building upon the other.

Community & Belonging: Efforts are made to promote students respecting and interacting with others from different backgrounds. We ensure diversity exists in all learning environments.

Social-Emotional Engagement: The needs of our students are adequately supported in the school, from prosocial skills development to responsiveness to trauma. Our discipline plans are restorative rather than punitive. 

Opportunity to Learn: Teachers have high expectations for all students. Core values are developed and valued at St. Georges Tech. 

Instructional Excellence: Our school wide focus is on transparent and transferrable writing. Teachers notice student's individual instructional needs and have systems to differentiate as needed. 

Engaged and Inspired Learners: Students are engaged in a wide range of leadership activities within the school. Student aspirations are fostered.
grad blue grad green
Focus: Community & Belonging
fam fair

The staff at St. Georges Tech is committed to creating an environment where each learner receives what they need to develop their full academic and social potential.

Ongoing Efforts:

  • Professional development centered around equity
  • Presentations from community partners geared towards broadening staff’s understanding of the equity umbrella.
  • Lunch and Learn opportunities to meet in small groups and discuss equity-related issues
  • Staff Book Studies focusing on culturally responsive teaching

How Does Equity Serve Our Students?

Numerous educational studies have shown that students thrive in educational environments where their identities, abilities, and interests are honored, accepted, and encouraged to flourish.

Here at STG, students have organized and participated in school wide celebrations of culture and diversity. In student affinity groups, students have attended, planned, and participated in district wide initiatives focused on educational equity and inclusion.

interview day culinary ladies club 

NCCVT Student Diversity Task Force - FAM

NCCVT's Student Diversity Taskforce, affectionately called “Forever a Movement” (FAM), amongst student and staff, has been meeting to develop their student voices as leaders and advocates to enact change at NCCVT and beyond. The FAM has focused on meaningful advocacy, goal setting, and district-wide collaboration leading to improved diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout our community.

FAM Affinity Groups

Black Student Union: Mr. Vonkendrik Ginyard and Mrs. Jess Bell

Men's Club: Stephen Wilson

Club 3:16: Ms. Neena Burnett

Leading Ladies: Mrs. Ashley Eley, Mrs. Hilary Rickner, and Ms. Gin Conard.

 Circulo de Amigos: Mrs. Glenda Salhuana and Mrs. Alissa Quinlan

Pride Gen-Z: Ms. Nikki DiBuono & Mrs. Alissa Quinlan


St. Georges Equity Team:


Educational Equity Supervisor: Mr. Frank Hanson [email protected]

Educational Equity Coordinator: Ms. Jessica Bell [email protected]


twin day talent show hosa

It is the policy of the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District

not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin,

gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or covered

veteran status in employment, admission to, or participation in

its programs, services, and activities.
