Upcoming Schedule Reminders:
*Monday, February 17th-School is closed for President’s Day.
*Tuesday, March 4th-Junior Only SAT Day. All other grades will be asynchronous. (Junior parents received emails home on 2/7 & 2/14 with a link to complete the early dismissal form if their student has permission to leave the building after their testing room has concluded testing.)
*Tuesday, March 18th-Sophomore Only PSAT Day. All other grades will be asynchronous. (More info to come)
Please review the Weekly Student Activities Newsletter HERE to stay informed on all upcoming events.
Senior families, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom so you don’t miss out on the senior section. Unpaid senior dues are now $155. Senior families are reminded to be checking the senior webpage to be informed on end of year events.
Ongoing School Reminders:
*This is a reminder that any Senior or Junior interested in driving to school must register their vehicle prior to parking at school. Once registered, students will receive a parking permit and an assigned parking space. Driving to school without properly registering vehicles and/or parking in non-assigned parking spaces may result in a loss of driving privileges and/or disciplinary action.
Thank you for your continued assistance, participation, and support throughout this school year!