SAT Testing for Juniors

The Class of 2023 will be taking the SAT in school on Thursday, March 24th, 2022. This will be a remote asynchronous day for 9th, 10th, and 12th graders so that only junior students will be in the building for small group SAT testing. 

Please keep the the following in mind for March 24th:

  • Testing will occur from 8:00am – 1:30pm.
  • Please arrive to school on time.  This is especially important for students who drive.
  • Free breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 7:30am – 8:00am.
  • Students need to bring with them a fully-charged Chromebook, their Chromebook power cord, and their calculator.
  • The school will provide pencils, paper, and small snacks for students; students may bring their own pencils, and snacks if they wish. 
  • Please note that in alignment with College Board procedures, students will power down their cell phones and all electronic devices and put them in their backpack for the duration of the test.  If you need to leave a message for your student during testing, please call the main office at 302-449-3600.
  • Lunch will be provided for free after testing and student will then spend the rest of their day in career area.
  • For families who would like their student to dismiss following testing, please have your early dismissal note in by Tuesday morning, March 22nd. You can send your early dismissal email to this address: [email protected] 
Students have been informed how to practice in the SAT online browser before the test.  This information is on the Class of 2023 Schoology page.